Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Toronto the bad...what gives?

This morning I woke up to a debate on CBC discussing in general terms, the issue of why everyone in our country, and more specifically, everyone in Vancouver, hates everyone and everything about Toronto. The debate, although I'm a bit foggy on the details as it was 6:15am, went on to suggest that Torontonians are mostly to blame for their own bad reputation, they are the egocentric pulse of the country, and they rank #1 as the most likely to complain about where they live. Ouch!

This has motivated me to offer my personal views on the subject, as for the past 2 years I've been residing in Vancouver, I am also a Toronto native. Please join me as I work through the pros and cons of living in each city in attempt to uncover the true reasons why Toronto gets such a bad rap.

Stay tuned...

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Imelda Marcos...R.I.P.

In light of Beeches recent post Stop! In the Name of Love I have become obessed with spotting the ever-so-dreaded-recent-trend...The Boulder, Colorado born Crocs. These shoes are undoubtedly the ugliest footwear to ever hit the pavement. At $29.99US, it's not all that surprising that these Ozone killers are polluting not only our environment in production but more importantly, our sense of style!

Now, in defense of the medical and health communities aroud the globe that, understandably, must be in a sterile environment, and where comfort is paramount, I would agree that Crocs are a step up from the plastic 'Garden Shoe' that Birkenstock butchered years back in the two ugliest of all primary colours - green and yellow. By the way, since when does Heidi Klum have her own line? But for the rest of us in gen-pop, have we not one ounce of shame?

Today, in the city of Vancouver, home of the 2010 Winter Olympics, Telus and Granville Island Pale Ale, I counted 5 professionals in pseudo-business attire donning these reptilian namesakes. I mean people, we FINALLY traded in the t-bar and low rise jeans for leg warmers and cinched waists!

May Imelda Marcos Rest in Peace!