Thursday, December 15, 2005


NOTE: This, apparently, never got to post status...but having reviewed it I think it's still post worthy.

Well...well...well...I've pretty much failed miserably at keeping a blog this year. I can sit here and type all of the reasons and excuses in the world as to why I have neglected to take the time to type, but at the end of the day, I've just darned failed!

Ah we embark upon what some view as the most coveted few days of the year, I find myself in a mild tailspin as I prepare to pack up and head East with my husband, home for Christmas. This will be our first Christmas home in 2 years, our first Christmas together with all of our families and friends, our first Christmas as guests, in our own home town.

Growing up is strange. I remember my Mom telling me as a child that the maturing process hits you in spurts, like growing pains. There you are, travelling along through life, paying little attention to the big picture, then an event will take place that sparks nostalgia and all of a sudden, you realize you've grown, you've progressed, you've lived to tell.

This occurence took me by surprise last week when my little puppy was ill. To spare the absolutely repulsive and stomache-turning details, my lil'pup was a victim of a 'neuter gone bad'. It was in the ER room when my husband was holding him limp in his arms and putting him on the table, as the vet was preparing to adminster an anesthetic, that I realized my current role in this life. I am a wife. I am a mother. I am responsible. I have to be strong. I have to make alot of money. I have I need I am....oh my christ!!!! I'm ALL GROWN UP - I WANT TO GO HOME!

It's been a tough year getting used to being away but at the same time I wouldn't trade it for the world. I'm living in an exciting city with my husband who I love more then ever, and a new puppy who has filled our lives with joy and mess...did I mention the mess?

I can't wait to see everyone! Wishing you the Happiest of Holidays - cherrish the special moments in life, it's what truly matters.