Friday, February 23, 2007

back to normal

21 days since we've been back in Toronto and we're almost back to normal. Not without a few bumps in the road, mind you.

Flight from Vancouver arrived on time and despite the fact our lil 'pup was temporarily "undelcared" at security and left to freeze on the -25 tarmac for 45 minutes, all of us, specialty wine collection included, arrived unscathed.

Our 5500+pounds of "stuff", although delayed by 7 days, arrived safe and unbroken and with the exception of 2 couches, a queen sized box spring and a book case, everything fit up the stairs!! (Failed to take specific measurements while rental house hunting in mad panic in late Decemeber. Who knew the box spring would be an issue??)

Our car arrived 10 days late - who knew we were going to run into a snag with the CP RAIL work-to-rule union boys? Thankfully, there was no 'joy riding', according to the Huzb's milleage cross check.

And what would a day in our life be without some sort of ailment? This time, Huzb visits the Dental Emerge and has a tooth pulled. 5 needles, a set of pliers to the jaw and 8 oxycontons later and he's all set! (so am i ...those things are POTENT!).

Monday - back to work for me...but I think I'll refrain for now. Quite frankly, I'm still trying to unwind with my glass of cab here.'s great to be back!

Friday, February 02, 2007

transient tales

Transient Tales was born when I first moved to Vancouver, over 2 years ago. Daxi told me I needed an outlet and that this might be a great way to express the changes I was going through. She knew better then I, that with the exception of the Huzb, I'd soon be without fond shoulders to lean on, and familiar faces to laugh and cry with. Surely it was also a way to keep tabs on me and make sure I wasn't losing my mind! But she was right. This was a great project to keep my writing up and my spirits bright during rainy and cloudy times.

Today is officially the end of a very significant chapter in my life. I'm leaving a place that has been my home for over 2 years now. A place that has seen me grow both personally and professionally. A place that has offered so much to me and a place that will always stand out in my memory as one of the richest experiences of my life. It would be impossible to put into words the things I've seen, experienced and accomplished, or how much I have grown as a woman, a wife, a professional. When I moved here I hated it at first. I hated the seperation from everyone, the starting over from scratch. I hated the change. And now, I see it very differently, and I now see how important it is to live away for a while. British Columbia is a breathtaking part of our counrty. Canada is so diverse and so incredibly big, vast and beautiful, it is a shame that we spend so much to travel away from it on our time off, when there is a lifetime to experience right here! So I thank you, Huzb, for opening my eyes a little and for your love and patience throughout our adventure here. It has been an exceptional one for you and I both, and I'm so proud of all of our accompishments here together.

As it turns out, this city, ironically, is quite transient. It is a hub for international travellers looking to seek out their own transient tales. I was lucky enough to meet a few from afar who are now very dear to my heart and who someday, I will be able to visit in their home countries and cities, and experience more of what life has to offer.

For now, we head home. We start a new chapter. Accept the word home has changed slightly for me now. Before Toronto was home. Full Stop. Now, home is where your family is, where your friends are, where your heart is. The tales will continue, and so will the adventures.