Happy Birthday Anabella!
My Dear Sweet Bella Bells,
It's you BIRTHDAY!
How is it possible that today, you are ONE!?
How is it possible that today, you are ONE!?
The first time I saw you, you looked like this:

I remember coming to meet you in the hospital and holding you for the first time. I was so overwhelmed with joy I had tears streaming down my face. You are so beautiful Bella and I want you to know how much happiness you have brought into my life.
You see, you don't really know this yet, but over this past year your Mommy and I have spent quite a few days together. Oh, and nights too, if you count frantic text messaging! And so I've really gotten to know you. I'm so lucky. You are a smart, beautiful, strong, happy and cautious little one. You like to take it all in, assess the situation, then make your move. You are just like your Mommy in so many ways. At first you weren't too sure about me. You used to look me straight in the eye and glare at me. Heh. But I didn't take it personally. I knew I'd win you over! I want you to know that you are like a second daughter to me, I love you like my own little Livvie and I will always be here if you need me ok?
Well Happy Birthday my little Bells!
We love you!
Auntie Em.
We love you!
Auntie Em.
Dear Aunty Emily and Livvie Lou,
Thank you for my birthday message. The truth is I am the lucky one to have such an awesome second family. You are both so special to me and this magical year would not have been as funny, loving, active, interesting or amazing were it not for sharing every moment of it with you both.
I love you!
xo Bells.
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