Sunday, November 23, 2008

9 months.

Olivia Jane,

Today, you are nine months old.

For some reason, this is a big one for me. I don't know if it's because the number 9 is a bit symbolic? You were inside of me for 9 months and now you have been outside of me for the same amount of time. Maybe it's because you are 3/4 of a year old, and our time together just the two of us, before the world gets crazy again, is coming to an end. I don't even know where to start with your growth and development progression. You are doing so much all of a sudden it's already getting hard to write it all down!

You absolutely have a sense of humour. You can stop traffic with your smile and you have a laugh that is the most contagious I have ever heard. You love, love, LOVE to play peek-a-boo. I love to play it with you and so does your Daddy. It makes our day. You love it when you are sitting in your high chair and I leave the room and poke my head into the door way so you can see me. Then I run around to the dinning room door way and every time, you figure it out and laugh and squeal with delight! You laugh so hard and you throw your head back and close your eyes. You crack me up kid and usually I end up in tears because how of touching and innocent these games we all play together are.

Your Daddy, while we're on the topic, is truly the highlight of your day. (As you are to his). He is the first person you see every day. He goes into your bedroom the minute he wakes up to say good morning. And every morning, I listen to the two of you chatter away before he leaves for work; and I smile. I love listening to the two of you together. The second he walks in that front door your eyes look to him and you smile as wide as you can. Then you squeal with delight again and say DADA! Yes, you have been saying Dada for a long time now, but really and truly now understand that to you, that is his name. Daddy also likes to put you on his shoulders and spin you around while you grab onto the top of his head for dear life. This is usually when I leave the room and pray you don't go flying off his back. But you won't. He would never let that happen.

You are moving kid. You are so close, SO CLOSE to crawling! You are sitting up really well now, and although I still put pillows around you just in case, you aren't toppling over any more. The other day you pulled yourself up to sitting from lying flat on your back. I think you might have inherited your Auntie Aimee's abs cause that was pure acrobats girl! You were pretty surprised yourself, so I lay you back down on your back and sure enough, you did it again! This weekend I have asked your Daddy to lower your crib.

That same day you also said Mama. You have said it before, but this time you really meant it. You looked at me straight in the eyes and said: MAMA, and then shot me that killer side grin you have that you save for special moments. I call it the sly Livvie grin. You look at me out of the corner of your eyes, tuck in your bottom lip a little and smile. Then you said MAMA MAMA MAMA and started giggling. You little rascal!!

Things you know when I point to them are: Toes, Knees, Nose and Otis, of course. Mark my words, OTIS is going to be your first real word. You are starting to make the "OH" sound and although you haven't figured out how to point yet, your eyes dart to him whenever I say his name. You love music and you love it when I sing to you. You love "Head and Shoulders" and "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Skimadarinky-dinky-dink" and your very favourite, "Baah Baah Black Sheep". You sing along and clap your hands. You also love the piano. I try to play for you a little every day. I gather a few toys and plop you down on the rug while Otis lazes on the couch and I play. Usually I only get through a few pieces before you get bored, but the moment my fingers hit the keys you look up and smile and hum a little. Music is in you, my sweet.

Hand clapping. This is probably your trademark move for this month. You have dropped the scary monster "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" sound which I'm kind of sad about because it was absolutely hysterical, and replaced it with clapping. EVERYTHING is clapping worthy and as you clap you make a YAY sound. I feed you bananas, you clap. Otis walks into the room, you clap, I say BATH TIME! you clap.

Otis is your best friend by the way. He licks your face every time he sees you and just today, while you were practising your crawling moves you reached for his paws and giggled. You also like to pull his tail and hang onto his ears, and he is so very patient with you. He just stands there until you let go. Oh Otis.

I could go on for days my love, because every day is filled with so much fun. You bring so much joy to me and to your Daddy and our entire family. We are absolutely loving watching you grow.

Now. I do have one little request. I know you are teething, and your gums are really bothering you. But do you think you could not chew on your crib rails? It's not good for you, I am worried you'll get splinters, or worse, and Otis doesn't need to be encouraged anymore then he already is! Thanks.

I love you so very much,


At 12:21 PM, Blogger Beaches said...

That video is the sweetest Duder. How close does your heart come to exploding to hear her say Mama? I can only imagine since my child is clearly never going to say it. What I doll that girl of yours is. I miss her. Happy 9 months LivvieLoo.


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