Saturday, October 16, 2010


I've taken a break. A step back from all of this. Not because I wanted to as much as that I simply had no time. No time to physically sit down and put thoughts in black; but even more so, no time mentally to think, create and cohesively string a sentence together. The last long while I have been away. Away from who I am, who I know. Another Me has been here. A good Me too, not that the other is not. But the Me who gives up all of herself temporarily for a better state. A magical state. A foggy, bogged-down, sleep deprived, relentless-on-the-body state. That state which I have been in this past while, is Tiny's entrance. And while Tiny and I have been getting to know each other, Me has changed once again. It's cliche. It's ironic. It's nothing new. But it's also powerful, encouraging and incredibly satisfying to come out the other side feeling the way I do now. A little more clear headed, a little more balanced, a little more wise. Tiny, as you will read, has added another level of Me to make Me an even better one.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I watch.

I watch you, as we read bedtime stories together. A ritual that started from virtually day one. I watch, as you ask me Why? and What's That? and Who Else? I watch, as you absorb the illustrations and the words. I watch, as you make tiny connections that transform into thought. I watch, as you rub your bunny ears and relish in the comfort that is this. I watch.

I watched, as you took your first tumble. I watched, as you held your head high. I watched, as you took your first spoonful. I watched when you walked with pride. I watched, when you ran into daycare. I watched, when you cried with distrust. I watched, when you smiled at your art work. I watched, and I watched, and I watched.

You watch, as I change his diaper. You watch, as I feed him at dawn. You watch, as we cuddle together. You watch, as he reaches for you. You watch, and I learn all along, it is me who has grown.