Thursday, May 18, 2006

baby's first bark?

The other day, me and the O-Dog were hanging out in the home office just getting caught up on work and stuff ~ okay so just getting caught up on surf-time, when I suddenly felt the urge for a nice cuppa' tea. Off I dashed into the kitchen to put the kettle on when I heard a noise that startled me and well, let's face it, scared the living crap out of me. Nearly dropping the kettle and running in a panic back towards the office, I was trying to justify in my mind the sound that I had just heard. Stopped in my tracks I looked straight ahead at the O-Dog, who was staring right back at me like a deer in headlghts. Half standing, tail pointed, ears perplexed, head tilted. I asked: "Is there a German Sheppard running loose in the house or did you just BARK?"

My little- nearly-one-year-old-yellow-lab-puppy who has never once made a peep other then hysterical cries of excitement when he's in the car, barked for the first time! Startled by the deep testosterone-infused sound that he had just expelled into the world, I started to laugh! and like a proud maternal being that I have started to slowly unleash, I screamed and grabbed his two front paws and danced with him around the living begging him to bark again! Otis...Speak! Otis...Bark! Good Boy Otis...BARK!!!!

After a few moments we stopped, he looked up at me once again, lay down on my feet, groaned and passed out.

Ignorance is bliss.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

a quick note about laundry...