Thursday, May 18, 2006

baby's first bark?

The other day, me and the O-Dog were hanging out in the home office just getting caught up on work and stuff ~ okay so just getting caught up on surf-time, when I suddenly felt the urge for a nice cuppa' tea. Off I dashed into the kitchen to put the kettle on when I heard a noise that startled me and well, let's face it, scared the living crap out of me. Nearly dropping the kettle and running in a panic back towards the office, I was trying to justify in my mind the sound that I had just heard. Stopped in my tracks I looked straight ahead at the O-Dog, who was staring right back at me like a deer in headlghts. Half standing, tail pointed, ears perplexed, head tilted. I asked: "Is there a German Sheppard running loose in the house or did you just BARK?"

My little- nearly-one-year-old-yellow-lab-puppy who has never once made a peep other then hysterical cries of excitement when he's in the car, barked for the first time! Startled by the deep testosterone-infused sound that he had just expelled into the world, I started to laugh! and like a proud maternal being that I have started to slowly unleash, I screamed and grabbed his two front paws and danced with him around the living begging him to bark again! Otis...Speak! Otis...Bark! Good Boy Otis...BARK!!!!

After a few moments we stopped, he looked up at me once again, lay down on my feet, groaned and passed out.

Ignorance is bliss.


At 2:56 PM, Blogger Beaches said...

Ooooh! I remember Momo's first bark like it was yesterday. He was silent for most of his first year, too. And those first few feeble attempts... oh man we used to crack up.

Now he's a barking machine, as you know, and we try to keep him quiet, but secretly we both get a little thrill whenever we here his wonderful voice.


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