Friday, March 17, 2006

Grass is always greener

Day 5. Back from vacation. Wrapping up first week of reality. No more tequila sunrises, no more daiquiri umbrellas, no more nice Mexican man delivering my drinks to me on the sand.

I am a cynic by nature, I'll admit. I spin unpleasant events into humourous anecdotes for my own amusement. I laugh at myself when I do stupid things. HELL I laugh at others when they do stupid things. But I always count my blessings.

During the weeks, days and hours leading up to my trip, it was enough to send an email or make a phone call without thinking about the wonderful week in the sun that would soon be my reality. I was consumed with thoughts of soaking in the tropical sun, sleeping throughout the day and replacing champagne and oj for my Starbucks ritual over breakfast.

When in my tropical haven, I spent alot of time in my own thoughts. An important excersize for anyone to do every once in a while. I thought about my life, my job, the Huzb, my lil' pup, and how I could improve on things. How I could make things better. When am I going to have a baby? Am I going to be a good Mother? Am I a good wife? What if there is something better out there that I am missing?

Is the grass greener?

And at the end of the day, for the first time in my life, I happily answered No. My grass is really green. I am lucky to have the life I have and to share it with those I love, and who love me, both near and far. No, I'm not complacent. My entrepreneurial drive and obssessive tendencies to continuously improve on things still burn bright, but I take great satisfaction in knowing that I do it with support.

Looks like this vacation is just what the doctor ordered.

A little slice of heaven, laced with some sun and a splash of reality. Shaken, not stirred.


At 8:07 PM, Blogger scarbie doll said...

Glad to know you're happy Em. It's nice to hear.

Miss you loads.


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