Sunday, March 26, 2006

White fur balls and other fun stuff...

You would think that by spending the last 4 days alone with the lil pup, I would have had the time to blog, blog and more blog.

Shortly after my last post, we learned that a very good friend's father died suddenly in his sleep. When we heard the news, everything stopped. I said Huzb, pack your bags, you have to go home and be with him and the family. I'll take care of everything. (Typically how I handle dramatic, sad or shocking events. My mind races and starts planning the following days to come - I become shockingly clairvoyant, focussed and in control. Odd)

So, 2 days later, I drove Huzb to the airport and was left with 1 empty disaster of a house (still not completely back to normal from recent trip to sunnyville) and 1 hyper puppy to tackle on my own for the weekend.

To spare all of the mundane details, it is 9:26pm on Sunday night. The house is immaculate. Floors are relatively dog-furless, the walls that are white, are fingerprint-less, lil pup is snoring, hell, there's even a chocolate birthday cake in the fridge, iced, for the huzb when he returns home tomorrow night.

Holy shit I went completely domesticated on my own ass and got totally lost in my own thoughts for a few days. Is today Sunday? Christ I have to WORK tomorrow? What the fuck...?

Stay tuned for upcoming blogs where I unleash the last few days of serenity.


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