Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Colours - I ain't black and white!


So I have been asked to do this Tag-Snapshot of me. Secretly when I was reading Scarbs’ latest post I too was hoping OH Pick Me! I love to talk about myself! Although strangely enough, hate being put on the spot and being centered out. Like, at my bridal shower I was a complete disaster, too much BRIDE focus.

Anyhow, I’m digressing, here goes. Please note, I’m not a fan of forms, I get nervous and usually panic, this is kind of like a form.

Accents: I don’t get it. I’m white. Canadian. Dad’s got traces of British, Mom’s got traces of German. Sounds like everyone else in my neighbourhood growing up. I grew up in the Beaches in Toronto. That’s right the BEACHES, not the BEACH!

However, much like, well, all my friends, I too, have different accents and slang I slip into depending on who I’m talking to, or about, for example:

Surfer-speak: Duuuuuuuude…..what’s up?! Is pretty much what I say whenever talking to Blondie. We slip into the surfer dude/dudette speak and talk in circles for at least 5 minutes before getting to the point. This happens when you’ve known someone for like, a million years. I do it with Scarbs too actually, jokes.

I tend to talk in drunken-speak sometimes too, when I want to make somebody laugh, nothing like slurring and hiccupping to get the giggles! Oh, and I love Italians, they amuse me, or anyone with a fiery European flare, so I sometimes imitate them, out of admiration.

Booze of Choice: Oh boy, this could be long-winded. It SO depends on the atmosphere and setting, I’m sure you all agree.

For the relaxing romantic and extravagant eating. Or Anytime I need to feel sophisticated, like Sunday afternoon with the paper: Red Wine. Full-bodied, dry and with a kick. I’ll admit, I have completely turned into a wine snob. It happens after years of consuming the cheap stuff. I am totally off the Shiraz band wagon. HateYellow Tail and anything that the Auzzie’s will send over to us NA’s (I have sources that tell me they refuse to send us their good shit!) Yes, I’m definitely a Merlot and Cab girl, right after my own Daddy’s heart!

Fun in the sun, chillin’ patio styles, or Sunday afternoon with the paper in the summer time: Beer Beer and more Beer. My current favs – Corona with loads of lime (I miss Mexico), Stella and Granville Island Pale Ale (BC makes some damn good brews!)

Night on the town: G&T’s baby! Doubles, with extra lime!

Okay, moving on, or we’ll be here all day.

Chore I Hate: Dishes. Hate doing them. AND I have a dishwasher. I think I hate doing them so much because all I want to do after I eat is relax, but can’t, because I can’t relax until the dishes are done. It’s a vicious circle really.

Dog or Cat: Dog! 10 month old yellow lab, named Otis. I grew up with cats, and although miss having cats around, I really can’t imagine life now without a dog. He really is our little man, he’s the centre of attention, and we don’t have kids yet. Should be interesting.

Essential Electronics: Lap Top. Hair Dryer. Hair Straightener. MP3. Cell. Coffee Maker. Is there an outlet on that deserted island?

Favourite Perfume/Cologne: This is tough. For YEARS I wore Clinique Happy. Then one day I broke up with my ex and tossed it all in the garbage. Can you say: Scent Association? Heh. Now I’m really into Oscar de la Renta Rosamor and Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue (for going out at night, which is rare, so the bottle is still pretty much untapped). And oh my god does everyone remember Exclamation? Can you believe the come back? On guys: Issey Miyake is my all time fav, used to wear it myself back in the day. Huzb rarely wears cologne, I’m with you Scarb, his deod’s is HOT!

Gold or Silver: Preferably Platinum. But I ain’t JLo. So that’d be silver. Gold makes my skin look too olive. Although, lately, I’m kinda diggin’ the big gold hoops again.

Hometown: Toronto, Ontario Canada. Can a get a whoot whoot for the Tdot? (Ok so I also sometimes talk in very bad gangster-speak).

Insomnia: Never. Unless I’ve had copious amounts of red wine and chocolate cake for desert.

Job Titles: Currently – Sr Consultant for Accounting and Finance. a.k.a. Head Hunter. Previously: Account Manager, Regional Sales Rep, Sales & Marketing Associate, Receptionist, Shoe Sales Extraordinaire! Merchandiser, a quick stint at Centreville, babysitter.

Kids: One on the way! GOTCHA! Kidding. Not yet. Soon.

Living Arrangements: Spacious 2 bedroom/2bath flat in the heart of Vancouver, BC. Paying a ridiculous amount in rent, but that’s nothing compared to the real estate out here. Can you say: Fucking RIP OFF!?

Most Admired Trait: Oh boy. This is tough. Gotta’ be my personality. I’m outgoing, funny, and I don’t give a shit. People like that about me.

Number of sexual partners. Currently? 1. In my whole life? I need a drink to work this out, so I’ll say definitely over 10, under 15. Somewhere in that mid range. I think. Might have to call a few sources to confirm….check please!

Jesus this is a marathon, I need to get on the phones here…

Overnight Hospital Stays: Well, discounting when I was born, which I think was about 12 days back in the 70’s. I’d say 1. Brace Yourselves. At a highschool graduation party, I was attacked by a gang of party crashers. Was beaten over the head and left side of my body with blunt objects and pipes. Don’t remember much accept telling the people around me to find my shoes, and telling, no ordering the doctor that if he had to cut off any of my hair as he was stitching up my head, I’d kill him. That, and a tremendously bad headache for about 3 weeks, and a mad prescription for T3’s.

Phobias: Flying. Although getting better. I once took a flight from Boston to Toronto and had a full on panic attack as the plane started to taxi down the run-way. I ordered them to let me off. They told me softly that if they were to do so, they’d have to inconvenience the rest of the passengers and crew by unloading all of them…something about a safety issue for possible terrorism. Whateverthefuck, they managed to shut me up by bumping me to first class and shoving double rum and cokes in my face. Most embarrassing moment can also be covered here, is that one of the questions in this marathon? The Captain opened up the cockpit door and had me escorted into the cockpit shotgun seat where I got to sit for the whole flight. Yeah, not so much fun doing the drunken walk of shame past the team of ridiculously hot rugby players to the cockpit. Felt like I was on my way to the principal’s office. True Story.

Quotes: For the optimistic: Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained, For the cynic: The only two sure things in life are Death and Taxes. For the impulsive shopper: You can’t take it with you! For the jokes: Ahh….shed a tear fuck it!

Religion: My own. Was baptized Anglican. Don’t even understand why. Have a funny story about the Catholic Rosary but I really need to get to work. Another time.

Siblings: One crazy funny hilariously loving brother. Aged 35. Actor. Trying to make a piece of history in LA. One of my idols because he is doing exactly what he wants to do.

Time I wake up: 6:15am. Gotta walk dog, prepare fruit salad to go, shower, dress and be out the door by 7:45.

Unusual Talent/Skill: I really don’t know.

Vegetables I refuse to eat: Beets. I was once forced to sit at the dinner table for hours after dinner was over, and stare at my beets until I ate them. This is some kind of fucked up discipline that surely isn’t practiced by the modern parent. Talk about a great way to bring on the eating disorders! More on that too, in another blog.

Worst Habits: Random nail biting. Defensive. Stubborn. Getting up exactly 5 minutes after lights out to go pee, again.

X-Rays: Don’t know. I think I had one on my ankle once when I used to dance ballet. Oddly enough, never head a head x-ray.

Yummiest Food I make: Lemon Supreme Cake.

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn.

Hey that was fun! Feel like I just had dinner and drinks with you! And that was clearly the longest post I have posted to date.



At 10:11 PM, Blogger scarbie doll said...

Miss you even more now. That rocked! I could totally hear your voice and see your giant smile as I was reading. *sniff*

At 3:33 PM, Blogger TransientTales said...

*sniff* *tears* okay miss you so much too!!!!

At 11:06 PM, Blogger Beaches said...

And I miss cold Coronas with lots of lime on the patio! Here's to summer fun, all together again in 2007!

At 2:42 PM, Blogger TransientTales said...



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