Today is January 13, 2009. You are 10 and a half months old! Let's take a few minutes to see where things are at here. You are sleeping - the house is quiet. Daddy is watching the news and Otis is sleeping at the foot of our bed.
Sleeping. Yes. The question every parent loves to ask. You are still a wonderful sleeper. You go down like clockwork every night at 6:45 and wake up just before 7am. You chat and
squeal happily in your crib until 7:15
ish when Daddy heads off to work and we start our day. You have, however, become somewhat of a light sleeper. I'm really hoping this is a phase. Right now, every little creek in the house wakes you up, of course the hard wood floors don't help. You had a few unsettling teething weeks recently so I think that's the reason. Apart from that you're still on two solid naps a day and happy as can be! You have decided (like your Mommy) that sleeping on your belly is best and for a while we called you the wind-up doll
because you'd fall asleep sitting up then hunch over like in the picture here. Your legs are right under your
blanky just under your chin.
Teething. Livvie, you have 8 teeth! You are a teething machine and you are being so brave and tough about it. Your drooling has stopped temporarily, but you love to suck on your fingers and frozen wash clothes and well, despite my wishes you are still chewing on that crib rail. Please stop. Auntie Daxi says I should pick up a crib rail guard from Canadian Tire. Do I have to kid? Huh? Do I?
You are on the move!! I can't say that I was prepared for this. At. All. Not only are you crawling, but you have speeds! You have the Window Shopping Crawl. This is your casual saunter crawl where you take a few strides then plop back on your bum to check something out before moving on. Then there's the One Foot Crawl. This is your attempt at walking I think. It's one of your latest moves and it's hilarious to watch. You crawl forward then prop your right foot up on the floor and try to push upwards. You're not quite strong enough yet so you sit and bounce for a bit before pushing off to crawling again. You think it's funny too. And finally, the Turbo Crawl. This is the one I wasn't ready for. This is your way of getting the heck outta town quick! I can tell you this little one, you are coordinated! Those arms and legs are moving in syncopated rhythm faster then 5/4 time and you are outta there! You usually use this manoeuvre when you're getting ready to wind down for nap and/or bed time. It's your final burst of energy and shortly after this you usually lie flat out on the floor with your head into the carpet, letting out a few breaths of relief. No, I'm not kidding, you really do this! You're a little bit of an actress. I'll try to get this on film for your files ;).

While I wasn't ready for the Turbo Crawl, I can admit that I was also not prepared for your need and constant, that's right C-O-N-S-T-A-N -T desire to climb. All you want to do is climb. Anything. Stairs, filing cabinets, dresser drawers, walls. You're not Spider Woman hun, promise you're not and if you try to shimmy up the wall you will fall. You are so much like your Daddy it's amazing. I just love watching you explore. As soon as you're standing your eyes light up and you get the sly little grin on your face. I can only imagine what you're thinking. And for this reason, we have installed baby gates, light socket protectors, drawer stoppers, table corner pads and rubber bath mats. You Are ACTIVE. Enough said.
Words and Noises. When I ask you "What does a Doggy say?", you reply: "Rarararara". When I ask you "What does a cow say?", you reply: "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh". And when I ask: "What does a Duck say?" you reply with a very high pitched: "duhduhduhduh". Needless to say you are very vocal. You have just started copying me. If I whistle, you respond with a high pitched "ah". If I whisper, you lean your head very close into me and smile. And when I make funny faces you laugh and make a kissing/popping sound with your mouth. I can see you trying to make sense of it all and it is truly amazing. You are so interested in the world around you and I'm so glad that you see the world with humour and smiles. You have a happy-go-lucky attitude and embrace the world with open arms. You are like me in this regard. Lastly, and everyone is pleased about this one, you still have your signature "Growl" that you like to incorporate into your daily babble as much as possible. You growl all the time kid and it's too funny!
We made it through our first cold together over Christmas. You had a few days of runny nose, watery eyes, sad nights and dry cough. You also had a mystery rash while up at Grampa's in Collingwood that appeared on your back, bum and thighs one morning. I was ready to rush you to emerge but within the hour after waking it was gone. We figure you had a little heat rash.
Celebrating your first Christmas was such a gift in itself. You have so many people that love you Olivia, you are so lucky. We spent time with all of your Grandparents, Aunties, Uncles and close friends. You had not one but 2 visits with Santa, both on the same day sorry about that, a little overwhelming but you hung in there! And by the end of the holidays, before you starting yelling at me (literally you were yelling at me, like this: Ahhhhhhhhh Mom, enough! Get these people out of my face and put me to bed!), you mastered the art of opening and ripping apart presents. The best fun in the world isn't it? I think Christmas morning this year was the best Christmas ever. It was spent, just the three of us and Otis, in the living room of our first house. So many firsts this past year my little Liv. Daddy and I sipped on Veuve and OJ while you played in the mess of crinkly wrapping papers and ribbons with Otis. It was magic.

There is so much more that you are doing on a daily basis and there truly isn't enough words in the world to tell you how much joy you bring to me and to your Daddy. We watch you every day and our hearts explode with happiness, pride and adoration for you. It breaks my heart to think that in a few short weeks things are going to change around here. Soon, I have to go back to work which means we won't be spending as much time together. I can only hope that I have given you a good start by being right beside you and that moving forward you know that I am always here for you. I am always right beside you Olivia Jane.
I love you,