60 seconds
I don't even know where to begin? It seems as though my writing has gone completely off the hook! It's full on summer and maybe that's it? Or maybe it's the fact that I spend every waking minute that I am not at work, hunting for a house. Yes, yes that MUST be why I haven't had time to write. Or, maybe it's because I'm still getting settled in to my new job. Or, better still, maybe it's because I've been settling in to the Toronto living again? Whatever the reason, I a) haven't been keeping up with the blog and b) am completely drained of any type of artistic writer's whatever you call it? Oh yeah, block. Writer's block. Am taking a well deserved vacation with the Huzb and the O-dawg in 2 weeks. We're heading up to cottage land for a blissful week of calm and quiet. Perhaps that will inspire me.
Ahh....the joy of hot summer days...time to slow down for a while.