Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Pink is the new black...or is it teal?

Has anyone seen this springs' collection of colour yet? Wait...who am I talking to...WHAT the hell is going on out there? I always have a hard time with spring fashion. I have fair skin, with a tint of olive, so yes, I do tan. I followed my autunm tradition last year by going auburn again... Got rid of the blond streaks that were great at the wedding...and am now back to dark dark brown...thank you Loreal. But last years onset of pink was tough for me. You remember, the catwalks and fashion mags were saturated with the pink palette, from powder rose to magenta. New shades of pink lipsticks and eyeshadows owned the makeup counters and displays. From running shoes to ski gear, iPods to eyewear, Pink was the new Black.

Ok so fine, I totally latched on. I joined the craze. I embraced pink!! I can think of at least 7 items of clothing off the top of my head that I wear on a regular basis, that is pink. I love my new pink necklace the hubbie gave me for my 30th. I love my hot lingerie that my BF sent me for my 30th. (Did I mention I turned 30? that's another blog). And I am totally and forever attached to my little pink clutch and matching mitts that I sported this past winter.

So why...why must I ask...is teal now the new pink? Honestly I can't keep up. Nor do I want to. I don't like teal on me. It drowns me out, makes me look gaunt. But wait a minute. Isn't teal kinda close to baby blue? HEY I LOVE BABY BLUE!

...gotta run now and hit the mall before the teal craze is over... heh...:)