Saturday, May 03, 2008


Hi Liv! So I’ve been meaning to get started on this now for about 9 weeks but have been a little busy getting to know you and so I have been storing all the wonderful memories we have created already in my brain long enough to find 4 seconds to type. Here we are, the day before you turn 10 weeks old, and I’m just getting around to it. You will learn that your Mommy is like this. She plans a lot of stuff in her head then gets it all done in bursts.

So, here goes. The first 9 weeks with you have been nothing short of fantastic. You have turned my world and your Daddy’s world upside down and we are loving every minute of it. Well. Ok. I’m not going to lie to you. Some day I’ll tell you all about your ability to cry and bring your Mommy to tears right along with you. You seem to have a bit of a cranky pants period in the late afternoon. You scream your face off usually for 2 hours. Apparently its normal and you have a lot of gas. More on that later. Wow! You’ve grown so much already in your short life. You have long legs and long slender hands. Your features are lean but not lanky, and you’ve started to get a little chunky in your thighs and cheeks. You are beautiful and you are perfect, absolutely perfect. Your eyes are piercing deep sea blue. Sometimes they look almost purple. They are exquisite. Your Aunties have big blue/green eyes as does your Daddy – it’ll be interesting to see how yours change, or stay the same. You are alert, you look at me, straight into my eyes. I know you know my voice because when I speak to you you look at me and smile. Mostly. Unless of course, you are hungry or have a poopy pants. But that’s ok , I understand -I’d cry too. You have started to discover your surroundings. You know Daddy too. When he says Hi Bebe! You look at him and you smile. This makes me happy. I love it when your Daddy talks to you and when you smile at him. Those are super precious moments to me. You are a very observant little girl. You are happy to sit quietly and watch and observe your surroundings. You like to observe and you like to study your surroundings. You like to take it all in. You also like to kick your legs!! Your very favourite thing to do right now is lie on your change table while I sing to you and kick your legs straight out in front of you. You also like to raise them straight up in the air – you’re working your abs already little bean! My favourite time of day with you is first thing in the morning, right after your 8am feeding. I perch you up on a pillow on my legs and we stare at each other and talk about our plans for the day. You like to gaze at things in our bedroom, you especially like the TykeLight night light. It’s green and you love to follow it with your eyes. This is the time of day that we also like to practice your head and neck moves. You are trying oh so hard to hold up your head and you are doing just great! You love to sit up, your face lights up and you smile from ear to ear. You’re getting there. But no need to rush. It’ll come soon enough. You have discovered that you have hands. You love to suck on your right fist, this tells me you might be right handed as you also have a very strong tendency to move your head to the right and face the right. Yep. You’re right handed for sure. We’ll see on that one. You are starting to drool a little. It’s so cute and you like to blow little bubbles. You are starting to make sounds, you are cooing and gurgling and most adoringly, you are starting to learn how to laugh. I have it on video so one day you will see just how darn cute you sound. Right now you have two laughs actually. You have the excited hiccup laugh and the silent smiley laugh. I love them both. You haven’t quite discovered Otis, your furry Brother, yet. He loves you and gives you kisses on your feet whenever he has the chance.

I could go on for days writing about all the wonderful and exciting things that are happening to you right now. But it’s late and I need some rest. You are starting to stay awake for longer periods during the day! You are keeping me very busy my little Liv. So on the eve of your 10week birthday I say this to you: You are doing great and I am so proud of you. Hang in there cause right now you have a lot of gas and belly pain - I hope our early morning cuddles where I rub your belly to keep you calm help you a little. I wouldn’t trade this time I spend with you for anything in the world.

You are all things precious to me Olivia. I love you, your Mama.


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