Saturday, March 22, 2008

It's always Good to be Friday!

There are a few monumental things that occurred on this particular Friday that I feel I have to mention. And no, sorry to all you avid catholics et al., I am not referring to the guy on the cross.

Defining myself as a mother takes transitioning, time and patience. Like, for example, right now I'm typing with my left hand while pumping breast milk with my right. Who'da thought this would be me? Also something interesting to note and completely off topic, did you know your thought patterns change when typing in a manner other then you are used to? it's harder to process easily flowing thoughts because you are so focused on the task of typing. Try it.

Ok forget that shit, put pump down, back to two hands, that was really frustrating!

So, in honour of all things being GOOD today, (again, sorry catholics, I still don't get why you guys call this day good if it's so sad in your world?) here are a few highlights from today that made this Friday especially good and notable of putting down in the books.

1. I had 4 hours of sleep in a row. This is huge. 12 - 4am.

2. Olivia did not throw up all over me during her 4am feeding. This too, is huge, it means I only had to half wake up.

3. I pumped 2 oz. of breast milk in under 5 minutes!! I am officially in the "Let Down" club. And no, I will not explain this. If you are a mother, or have an inquisitive mind, you'll know. Anyway, it's a huge frickin' deal and I can now see freedom peeking it's head around my front door!

4. Daddy gave Livie her first bottle AND she didn't throw up. DOUBLE WHAMMY!!!!

5. I, for the first time in over 5 weeks, or maybe even 6, put on a pair of thong underwear. Bliss!

6. We went out for dinner and drinks at my sister-in-laws for Huzby's birthday and Olivia was an absolute gem. No tears. No cries. Just a sweet little happy face in a brand new party dress. We were out for 5 hours. I had a glass of wine. I am almost human again.

7. To add to point 6 and because of point 7, I put on makeup for the first time in over a month. This may not seem like a big deal, but I really and truly honestly forgot that I had such nice eyelashes! Mascara. Who knew?

8. I drove the car home and was happy to do so. Google "Rules on Healing with a C Section" for more info. Apparently you're not allowed to do a fucking thing for 6 weeks. Ass. I'm at week 4 and am cancelling the rules. Cancelled.

9. Otis did not eat anything he should not have today.

10. The sun was shining all day and we went for a nice family walk. Even if this were to have been the only thing to come out of today, it would have been enough. I consider the last 9 points bonus rounds. Walking in sunshine with the family is better then chocolate.


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