Wednesday, February 20, 2008

39 weeks...

I'm a little sick of hearing the words: "ARE YOU READY TO POP?" Like what the fuck people? If it were only that easy. If I were a balloon, all ripe and full of air, I'd sit my sorry ass on a pin if I could! For all you preggies out there who are still growing, just wait. For all you post-preggies who have already endured this trying time-frame of 'the last few weeks', you know where I'm coming from. And for all of you non-preggies...good on you cause ignorance is bliss.

Today, I'm 39 weeks and 1 day. My official due date is next Tuesday February 26th, which, by the way, is a terrible thing to focus on in my opinion. It is neither accurate nor any more relaxing to know the potential day. Cause really, the odds are not in your favour (unless you are Beaches Mom or my friend Frenchie) to actually deliver on the magic day. I'm pretty sure this is one of the major symptoms of that Nesting thing I was talking about the other day. Why am I obsessively cleaning and rearraging and folding and dusting and list-writing? Because I'm BORED! It's not like - oh yeah, I'm off work, let's kick back and chillax, crack a pint, light up a ciggie and call it a day. Hell NO! That's not what it is at all. I am living in between two worlds right now - the sleeping giant and snow white!

Here's me 6 days ago. And trust me when I tell you that Baby Bean is active and still packing on the pounds. I'd post a pic of my belly right now but can't get up off the couch. For serious. I'd grab on to Otis the dog's collar and ask him to get up and run, but he just finally calmed down from one of his puppy-spazz's and I really need to take five.


At 7:06 AM, Blogger Beaches said...



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