Who said anything about cleaning?
I've heard about women who are nearing the end of pregnancy and get that "nesting" urge. Women who have been known to rip down wallpaper at midnight, remove door hinges and polish them until they glisten, and surely someone out there has decided it would be a good idea to purge all their files from their computer without checking for the backup. Me? I'm sad to say that this generally level headed not too manic or obsessive compulsive easy going woman has recently found herself teetering on the brink of insanity. And the baby hasn't even arrived. But here's the weird thing, I don't see it as insane activity. I have complete and utter rational for all that I am doing these days. NO it is not wrong that I am doing 4 loads of laundry a day. (Did I mention the baby has not arrived yet?) NO it is not wrong that I washed the washer and dryer. I did. It's true. They were dusty! NO I don't believe that driving to Home Depot in a snow storm to get the vintage-porcelain knobs for the dresser in the nusery is absurd. And I certainly do not agree that surfing for the most perfect material for the curtains that I won't even have enough time to make, is a dumb waste of time.
I can, however, detect that it is not normal behaviour for me. I am generally not a planner. I like to set an abstract concept and run with it, then put all the pieces together last minute. Lately though, I have an infinite amount of energy to cross everything off the list(s) that I have made. I am usually not a list maker, however since said pregnany has kicked my brains ass, the lists have now become an extension of myself. Beaches taught me how to write a list. I'm still no pro, but it seems to be doing the trick. And that list can be anything from picking up coffee that I don't even consume myself right now, to ensuring the furnace filter gets changed and the car gets detailed prior to the car seat being installed. I have a list on my fridge right now that dictates times and quantities for Lil Pup-Pup's ear medications (poor dog has another ear infection...apparently the next step is a $500 dermatology appointment. Right. Holding....) I have a list, no, 2 lists that cross-check one another on What to Pack for the Hospital. So you see? It's not irrational or crazy talk or me acting like a fucking maniac, it's normal. Perfectly 100% well thought out plans to execute all before baby comes. And so the story goes that once you've hit this level of 'nesting' or as some call it 'out of control cleaning frenzy', that labour is just around the corner. So be it. Bring it on! But wait, let me just re-org the closets first.
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