Sunday, November 12, 2006

chin up sister

I woke up this morning absolutely and thoroughly depressed. It was raining ass cats and dogs outside and the only thing in the world I wanted to do was roll over and go back to bed and wake up in Toronto with everything the way it used to be. Everything, of course, accept my husband and dog who I wouldn't trade in for the world. These two beings are the two reasons why I am still IN this damn city. And yes...I continue to vent the pros and cons of westcoast life. I digress. I'm venting here and I can say what I want, no matter how irrational and mean it is.

In and amongst my internal pouting session, the Huzb rolled over and said: "Do you want coffee?". OH I LOVE HIM!!!!! "Yesss...but I'm off coffee remember" I moaned, (maybe this is part of my problem) as the lil'pup jumped up on the bed and rolled onto my head. Nothing like an 80 pound lab to remind you how fragile your head can actually be! With the aroma of coffee brewing I hauled my ass out of bed and the three of us headed to the park in the rain for an hour's play session for you-know-who. On the way back, soaked and utterly stuck in my mood, I said: "fuck this...i'm going to the gym". I loaded up my MP3, packed my shit and hopped in the car. I knew I'd feel better if I could just go sweat for an hour.

Eager with this new rational thought, I wandered into the changeroom, got into my gear and threw my soaked raincoat and shoes into the closest locker. Remarkably, I managed a 25 minute run on the treadmill with ease, did some upper arm reps and a few hundred abs. Abs...yeah...always the first to go when falling out of gym routine. Let's hear it for JT and Christina to get me through the pain! On my way back to the changeroom, feeling much better, I noticed a man speaking to me. I pulled out one of my earphones and said: "Pardon me?". "You're eyebrows...they really suit your face...they are just stunning!" He smiled and walked away. I stood there for a moment, stunned, then thought to myself: what a nice man. He has no idea he has just made my day.

As I walked into the changeroom, dreading changing back into wet raincoat and shoes, I thought chin up sister, it ain't all that bad. Laughing to myself as I realized what a sucker I am for innocent compliments!


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