Saturday, September 30, 2006

Champagne Toast

In this world, I have a handful of people that I know I can count on to be there at any given moment. You know, the ones who you could call without hesitation in the middle of the night, when you need a couch to crash on, when you're stuck in the rain, when you need a shoulder to cry on, when you need to simply laugh. Those people, although I prefer to call them soulmates, understand you more then you even understand yourself. They can finish a sentence, laugh at your tears, know your deepest hopes and fears, feel your own emotions. What is the turning point in a friendship that makes this happen? Is it one event that subconsciously triggers in your own heart that you know this relationship will last a lifetime? Is it a series of many things over time that creates the ultimate unbreakable bond? Maybe there is no one answer. Or maybe, it is all of the above.

My first recollection of Dax is one of juvenile jealousy and admiration. We were young, in grade 8 I think, at different schools but somehow hanging out with some of the same crowd. She was, as she still is, the epitome of natural beauty. She had big blond curly hair, which she mainly wore up in a pony tail, it was the late 80’s after all! A beautiful white smile, eyes that adored everyone, and the most perfect posture that even the best of ballerinas would kill for. Swarmed around her always were boys that had absolutely no idea what to say or how to act, and with her endearing maternal qualities, she would befriend them all.

Throughout our high school years we again, mingled in and out of each other’s social worlds, Dax sticking to this side of caution, me, always on the other. When I was interested in taking part in school, she was there, and it was she who I looked up to. It was she who inspired me, she who silently reminded me of who I wanted to be, who helped me want to succeed and get out of that place. And I did. We did! With a year lapse in between we reunited again at UWO. I had taken off a year to refocus, Dax as always, went straight at it. Our friendship flourished here. It was those years, now that I look back, that we did much growing, both individually into womanhood, and as friends. We celebrated life, we partied our asses off, we studied until dawn, we crashed on eachother's couches and borrowed eachother's stuff, we held eachother up while contemplating life, we succeeded. And as a gift to ourselves, post graduation, we planned a trip.

At the kitchen table we'd sit, morning, noon and night, and plan our every move. Maps, highlighters, scotch tape (what was the scotch tape for?) a rainbow of pens for colour coding plans, and of course, the infamous Let’s Go Europe book. The ritual that it became, was symbolic of many things, but most fondly, for the memories that have since been made. With Weirdo in tow, we took Europe by storm, and sealed our friendship forever.

So here we are, well over a decade since we met, and you Dax, are still the all-encompassing natural beauty and pillar of strength that I saw in you way back when we were young. You have given me a gift well beyond words. I look at you and Champers and see an overflowing fountain of love and respect for each other; that is an exciting and precious gift, one which you fully deserve. As we continue to move through life, with confidence and sometimes unassuredness, you have me always. Although right now far away, and sadly unable to be as close to you as I wish, I am here experiencing life right along with you. This is what I know - this is truly the definition of soulmates. This Dax, is why I love you.

Congratulations to you both, a Champagne Toast, I couldn’t possibly be happier for you.


At 5:00 PM, Blogger Beaches said...

Tears. Move home! Miss you so much it hurts.



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